Monday, December 11, 2017

Steve's in another car accident! Yikes!

Hello family! This week has sure been a great one!
We are going pretty ham for this "Light the World" and many members are catching the fire with us!! We have had members do something with us serving someone almost every day of the month so far!!
What have you been doing with LightTheWorld?? Hopefully, it's just as rocking back in Centerville Utah as over here in Toronto!
One really cool miracle this week was that we met a brother in a subway station, and then invited him to our ward Christmas party. We didn't have a lot of hope that he would make it because he said he didn't have a phone number or address that he could give us. But he did make it! And got to see our Oscar award-winning missionary skit!(I think someone got a video, so in the future, I might be able to send it haha). Also there we all sang Christmas carols, and he said to us, this is what life is all about. We gave him a tour of the church and he visibly felt the spirit in the chapel. We invited him to church and yesterday he came!! We will be meeting with him tonight and he says he has a lot of questions!!
     Also, yesterday night while driving with a member to go caroling we got rear ended pretty bad. I probably have some whiplash. It's also getting pretty icy haha. Despite all that doing this work I have never been so happy in my life. I feel so warm and full of peace!
     Elder Milad has 3 weeks left and he's on fire. We are working like crazy and President Shield's told me to work him so hard we have to carry him to the airport. I'm going to haha.
     I know this work is true. I feel it so powerfully and clearly! I want to go and give all that I have to give, and am so grateful for this time that I can. I love you and am grateful for your influence in my life. Have a great week!

Monday, December 4, 2017

It's been a great week out here! We are having a lot of fun and really trying to work hard!
     We had a really cool miracle for our day one of "LightTheWorld". We called a member family to see if we could drop by with the intent of bringing cookies for LightTheWorld, but they said not that night. We went anyway and ended up talking to a sister in the area that said she had grown up religious but just didn't understand how God could be there with all the evil in the world today. We told her we could help her find answers and understanding of the purpose of life. It was visibly powerful for her and changed her heart towards the Lord's servants!
     For LightTheWorld day 2 we did a hot chocolate stand with a big LightTheWorld poster and day 3 we did well on the Sabbath by caroling, in a few members homes and on the street! It was really cool! We saw hearts softened and powerful opportunities presented!
      We are also getting excited about phones coming to our mission after the new year(I think)! That will be awesome!
     We also this week had interviews with President and Sister Shield's that we wonderful! I always really feel the spirit meeting with them! We were talking a lot about the future of Farsi work with them and who we should call, how we should go about doing it. It was fun haha.
     Also really cool news the Doctrine and Covenants is now translated and available online up to the 104th section! just found out and we are pretty excited about it!
     Haven't got to watch the first presidency Christmas devotional yet but I'm sure it was awesome!
     Also, I have a personal goal to make it through Christmas here this year!!
     I love you all! I know this work is true! I'm grateful for this season and this opportunity to remember focus on the Savior more in our lives.
Have a great week!

Honto! Sorry you haven't heard from me in a while! I know some letters are coming your way!
Don't get too homesick for me! You're still at home!! Are you excited for the new Star Wars? I saw a poster of it on a movie theature today haha.
Life shouldn't be a repeat! Then it will feel like the movie groundhopper day! That's now fun! One way you can make it not a repeat is finding a fun and nice way to serve someone else everyday! This LightTheWorld for Christmas is a great way!

Love you Honto! have a great week!

Monday, November 27, 2017

Brother Franko's baptism!!

What a wonderful week. Amongst the most wonderful of my life!
     Monday after emailing I called Brother Franko, and investigator I was teaching that lives downtown. He seemed pretty anxious and asked if he could meet me somewhere, I said sure so we went and met with him. By the way his was planning on being baptized on November 19(yesterday). we got to talk with him and found out his friend has been feeding him a lot of anti-misinformation about the church(anti-garbage). Anyway, we talked with him for a while, bore testimony, prayed, and tried to help him see the truth. He calmed down a lot and went and got more answers and confirmation from God.
     Yesterday we were able to go and witness his baptism. It was and will forever be one of the happiest days of my life. After he was so happy and glowing. He kept telling me he wished that he had made the decision earlier, but I think that the timing was perfect. One of our investigators who wants to be baptized came. And Brother Franko was able to talk a little bit with him. He told him how warm he felt, and how full of peace he was. I was and am as well.
     God be thanked for the matchless gift of His Divine Son. How grateful I am to be a full-times representative of Christ. To go where He would have me go, say what he would have me say, act as He would have me act. To be a living and modern evidence of His reality, Divinity, and perfect love. My heart yearns for the salvation of our Heavenly Father's family.
     I wish i possessed the power in words that would illuminate your minds and fill your hearts with hope and Faith, Faith that would bring unto you repentance and fill your souls with Charity.
    I love you all and wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving! Go do something that has a warrant for another to be grateful to you as a ministering angel!!

B Franko baptism #1.JPG

Monday, November 20, 2017

I-phones going to Steve's mission, Steve in a minor car accident

Hello all!
It has been an awesome week! We are anxiously and urgently applying everything we learned from our recent zone conference with Elder and Sister Pearson of the 70. We are seeing great fruit and many miracles. I feel very refreshed and as though I have a new heart.
Not sure if I reported this last week, but we finished our 2-week hunger games zone competition. I am happy to inform that "Glimmer"(that's us) took a shining first place, it was a little closer than we thought it would be though haha! We saw many miracles throughout these "games".
Happy to hear everyone back home is doing well! Also forgot to mention last week that elder Milad and I got into a car accident. But all seem to be doing well and our car has still been drivable! We will have to turn it in eventually but for now, we still have it!!
We are really starting to get excited about the repeat Christmas initiative #LightTheWorld !! What a great opportunity to turn our hearts to the Savior this Christmas season and in the future! I love this time of year! Also, side note there were a couple of pretty cold days up here. a type of things to come I'm sure haha. BUT with uncle Tom's head sock, I am ready to brave any storm!
       Also, pretty exciting news we learned just today that our mission is getting iPhones! Don't know exactly when or the process. But as of now missionaries in this mission are "authorized to fulfill their purpose using smartphones, social media, and other technologies. So that's relatively big news!

I am so happy. I feel full of joy and love for my Heavenly Father and all of His children. I feel more connected intimately to Him than ever before, and I am finding I am connecting more and more intimately with His children, my brothers, and sisters every day.
I love you all and hope with my heart and soul that you are allowing our Father in Heaven to support, encourage, lift, and carry you home through the Grace and mercy available because of and by and in His Beloved Son.
Have a great week!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Life changing zone conference with Elder Pearson!

Hello family! This week has been an awesome one!! We are seeing many very powerful miracles!

ONe is that we have someone that really wants to be baptized!! We are excited for her! Unfortunately, she can't be baptized right now but we are still thrilled for her and look forward to when she can!

Another brother wants to be baptized and can be baptized! He is planning on either November 25 or December 3rd! I just met him for the first time yesterday!

My life changed yesterday. We had Elder and Sister Pearson come and do a mission tour. So they ran the Zone Conference yesterday. He said at the start, I invite you to walk out of this chapel today a different person than you walked in. We have prepared, and are sent here with keys from the quorum of the twelve apostles, so it's up to you, are you ready?? Or something very similar to that. Many things were discussed, many powerful principles and Doctrines taught. I cried through most of it, which is actually quite a long time haha. I don't know exactly how to put it into words, or even exactly why yet, but I know that I have a new heart. I feel completely changed, refreshed, and full of love and real peace.

I know that he was sent with Apostolic keys. That he came because the Lord sent him. For me. I know that this church is in the reality the church of Almighty God, even the Eternal Father. I know that I am a Child of God. I know that I am not a kid from Centerville Utah that became a representative of Christ. I am an embassy of the Lord who once was a boy from Utah.
  I just know it's true. And it's worth it.

I love you all! Have a great week!

Monday, October 30, 2017

Book of Mormon Converts!

This week has been pretty awesome. my preparation day will be Tuesday next weekbecase Elder Pearson and his wife are coming to have a mission tour here!
Hope your all doing well!
We've seen great miracles here! I got to give a talk in Sacrament meeting yesterday which was fun!
Sounds like Harvest was a good time!
It's getting pretty cold here!
We have an investigator that told us that she would do whatever we said and whatever God said because she got an answer praying about the Book of Mormon! She wants to be baptized. We'll see what happens!!
Love you all! Happy to hear the Cougs won! Have a great week!

Monday, October 23, 2017

My joy is full!

THis week has been an amazing one! We have seen many miracles and I love being back in the city! I am really starting to adjust again and am looking forward with great anticipation for what is ahead here!
I have already learned so much from Elder Milad and am excited to learn so much more!
Yesterday was a real treat! We had stake conference! I got to see a family from up north that is investigating and is from Heaven. And many other members from up there!
    Also a real tender mercy. Not sure how well you will remember Brother Franko from when I served in downtown. But he was there too. I have had pretty average (at best) contact with him due to him being busy and whatnot. Anyway found out from him how excited he is to be baptized November 19th!! It seems pretty much 100%. So we'll have to pull some strings and get a Farsi speaker there so we can go haha. He said, when you were teaching me the timing was just too close to when my brother had passed away, but now I am ready! He also said, "why didn't you tell me all of this?? These guys tell me so much and you guys were just spoon feeding me!" haha. He was very prepared then and is now ready to make that binding covenant and recieve the powerful ordinances. I am so thrilled for him. My joy honestly feels so full!
     I am so grateful that I get to be here and a part of the Lord's work. How I desire to be His hands and allow Him to speak and act through me. Above all else I desire to be one with Him, truly one. I love you and know the Lord knows the deepest pleadings of your heart, even the ones you don't seem to know exactly how to sing.
    Have a great week!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Elder Bakker transferred

This week has been an awesome one! We saw many miracles!
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!
One big highlight for me this week was our meeting with one of our investigator families and our mission President and his wife. I was struck powerfully by the love that they demonstrated towards that family! He also gave the mother a blessing with powerful promises. I know he really is the one who at this time holds keys through proper Priesthood Authority. I love him and Sister Shields.
     I hope everyone back home is doing wonderfully! Everything here really is incredible!
     Transfer news came this week. Elder Bakker has been transfered to English work in Kitchener serving in a Young Single Adult branch! I also have been transfered to Farsi South based out of the Don valley area! I am now serving with a seasoned misisonary Elder Milad(Elder Bakker's previous companion before serving with me). We are looking foward with great hope for the future! The area here really has been increbily watched over and cared for and there will be much to reap!
    It was difficult to say goodbye to many people this week from richmond Hill, on the bright side their is about a 95% chance I will serve there again! Can't wait to see what the Lord is able to accomplish with the new Elders serving there!
      I love you and you are always in my prayers. I know that the greatest and most fulfilling path to happiness is when one lives the Gospel of Jesus Christ and allows the Atoning power of the Savior to transform them into someone who is lost in the service of their fellow brothers and sisters. How grateful I am to bring this message here and how I deserve to prove faithful to the end.
     Have a wonderful week! Eat some Turkey or kabob for me!

Monday, September 11, 2017

September 11, 2017--starting to get a bit colder!

September 11, 2017

This week has been an awesome one! 
Wanted to give a special shout-out to last weeks birthday of Honto! Hope it was all amazing!

We've been seeing great miracles here! We are going through the process with one family to see when they can be baptized so we'll keep you updated on that in the future. Sometimes situations can be sensitive in this particular work.
Another family is doing great and came to church. We've got to go over to their house and probably cast out some unclean spirits as well as give one of them a blessing. They otherwise are doing well. Busy recently, but well!

We'll see what happens with our investigator who has moved here from Montreal. We've met with her twice and from what we can gather she was really close to coming to church yesterday!
This Sunday we took a trip up to the New Market church with our investigator who came the first time up there! She was amazing and the ward flocked to her! She's going to be a great member of the church! We'll keep you updated on her. Only met her once so far, but she has had significant refiners fire experiences and I believe is among the most prepared people to receive the Gospel I've met on my mission! The greatest obstacle with her is our kilometer limit to see her more frequently. So we'll see what hoops we can jump through to create more available kilometers!

Sad to hear about the Cougs loss seems like that rivalry is all but over... Oh well haha.
Hope all is well back there! One thing that is a little alarming here is that it is already starting to great pretty cold haha. Wasn't like this last year and from what we are hearing it might be a type of things to come haha.

One cool miracle this week was that we were sent to a home of a former investigator who said her mom had passed away that day. Unfortunately, in this case, didn't let us say anything before shutting the door. BUT was powerful evidence to me that we really are on the Lord's errand. I know when we follow promptings the Lord will send us where He wants us to be for the good of His children!

Also, something I've been thinking about a lot lately is how a weakness of mine especially out here is having a desire to get the last word(even if that is a nice last word). I believe there will come a power into our lives when we spiritually and humbly retreat and make ourselves vulnerable, and in many cases let others have the last word in our exchanges.

Again Happy birthday Honto!!! 
Love you all and hope you have a great week!T

I asked Steve what he wanted us to send him for his birthday and this
is what he said....

For my birthday I would love all of you to go out of your way to serve someone in the family and then serve someone (at school, or neighborhood, or work) that no one else would think to serve. And everyone practice saying salaam!

So everyone be thinking of people you can serve. Steve's birthday is on October 24 so you have a little time to think about it!

 Also, Elder Bakker and I have some Iranians convinced to teach us how to cook Iranian food so be excited for that!

I love you! I love this work and am so grateful I grew up in a home and family where I could learn these priceless and Eternal truths and Principles and receive irreplaceable Ordinances. Have a great week!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Sept 5, 2017

Sept 5,2017

Well not a ton of time again this week, I guess that's becoming a little bit of a habit.
 It's been an awesome week! We are seeing miracles every day and I really am just so grateful to be a part of this work!
This Monday we had a cool talk with an individual who really is prepared for the Gospel. He is Chinese Mandarin speaking. After exhausting all of Elder Bakker and I's Mandarin we got to talk to him a little. The spirit really touched his heart. One thing I noticed talking to him was that he often would feel the spirit as we testified of truth, and in some cases get choked up and say that was very nice, but then I saw quite literally his countenance change as he would say, but this is the real world, that can't be true here. This happened multiple times throughout the conversation. It was a powerful learning experience for me to think how often I feel the spirit of the truth of something that is true that seems like may be too good to be true. We also met with a sweet individual who simply believes that he cannot pray,  because he doesn't already believe in God. How much joy we will feel as we choose to recognize God's hands in our lives and recognize that His truth and His love really are all that we could want or even hope they could be and more than we truly can begin to fathom. How grateful I am for the Lord Jesus Christ and the opportunity I have to come to know Him.
     Our Taiwanese new member is doing great, and we had him sit in and help teach a lesson we had here in Toronto! It was cool, went okay, but was really cool!
    Our other individuals we are teaching here are doing great! One I may have mentioned we were teaching in Quebec moved here and now we are teaching her here! Many are progressing and doing very well! We also can't wait to find more the Lord is preparing for the Gospel!
     Yesterday we had interviews with President and Sister Shields. I always feel such powerful love from them anytime I am around them. I am so grateful the Lord has given me some time to be ministered to from them and learn from them.
     I love you all and hope all is well! Sounds like the first week of school was a blast for everyone! Have a great second week!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Steve's 1st Baptism! A guy in Taiwan!

Aug 30,2017
This week was awesome! We saw someone baptized in Taiwan! So cool! No time! Have a great week and love you all! Hope everyone is excited for school to start!

From Steve's mom,
So we got this recording from Steve explaining his baptism in Taiwan. They taught him over skype, and when he was getting baptized they got to watch it over skype. The guy who got baptized didn't speak Mandarine Chinese even though his baptismal service was in Mandarine. The missionaries serving there, in Taiwan, would translate the talks into English to Steve and his companion, then they would translate that into Farsi. At the end of the baptismal service,  they had the guy who got baptized give a talk. He gave it in Farsi to the Mandarine Chinese branch. Then Steve and his companion translated what he was saying over skype into English to the missionaries there in Taiwan, who then translated that into Chinese to the Branch. 

What a miracle technology can be!!

Hey, mom! Doesn't sound like things are going to calm down too much haha. Sounds like a hot soccer game and fun volleyball game, I can imagine the great entertainment of watching a bunch of kids that can't play volleyball haha. On the bright side when they learn how to play volleyball is super fun to watch!!
That's also too bad BYU's game didn't go so well! GLad they won though! Also great that Viewmont beat Davis!
That's great the Lube's got asked to Homecoming and even by who she wanted to be asked by! Tell her to enjoy that because that usually doesn't happen haha! Luke who??
This week was sure awesome with our Taiwan baptism! It'll be a week I never forget! I'm so grateful for flight benefits so I will be able to go see him(possibly others) and go to Iran one day(assuming safe)! Love you and have a great week!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Aug 14, 2017 Biking now, great workout for his knee!

Aug 14, 2017

THis week has been awesome!
We have seen a lot of great miracles this week! We have some people that have received answers to prayers about specific dates for baptism!! Some have committed, some haven't yet. We are having quite a few people come out to church and Elder Bakker is keeping them all thrilled with his Farsi translation!
     Also a big highlight this week was a Zone Conference! It was awesome and really focused on following up with all the "OYM"ing and helping us set better goals and more effectively plan! They showed us a few videos from the mission presidents training which was very powerful. One that I really felt the spirit during was a video of a bunch of recent converts of the last 2 months all saying "the missionaries found me..." I really felt the spirit. I know that this work is continuing and is going at exactly the pace that the Lord sees fit and is happening exactly as He desires! What a blessing it is to be a part of this work on the front lines!! I love it!
     This week/month we have been biking like crazy which is the greatest! This has led to a lot of saved Kilometers on our car and a lot more opportunities to talk to people! Also, we are getting great exercise and I'm sure it is great for my knee! Love it! So grateful for that!
     This morning we had some early morning sports which were super fun! I actually got to hit some tennis balls with another missionary! Good stuff!
       Also, we are getting some great Iranian food, we are trying to learn how to make some of it! I heard there were some restaurants back there which will be pretty sweet!
      Everything else here is amazing! We still are eating amazing and balling out at night with our nerf hoop. My 3 pointer has been blessed from that haha. I understand more and more Farsi and I am able to contribute more and more to our lessons and contacts with them!
     Love you all. Hope all is well and everyone is excited about fall! Have a great week!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

July 24, 2017 Lots of new people to teach!!

Hello Family! This week has been incredible! We are seeing many miracles!
We have some great investigators right now all around the globe! Some here, Montreal, Taiwan, and who knows where is next! Crazy!
MPQ has been reading the B of M every night(3-4 pages) and coming to church and believes a Prophet is necessary today and wants to know what the purpose of life is, because no one has ever been able to answer that question for him.
LRT + EHI new from California where there great LDS friend majorly impacted there life, and they don't want to go anywhere but the Mormon church.
MPE wants to be baptized
UOR also wants to be baptized
JOU +UYH +DKE want to be sealed as soon as possible
HJO is reading the B Of M and feels that he/she has a great role to play in bringing friends back to the church and new ones into the church
A lot is happening, and we are seeing many miracles!
The Lord is blessing us immensely. I know that He is able to accomplish His work, that in reality I am not responsible nor capable to accomplish it. Only he can. I also know if I am worthy and work hard, He will allow me to be a part of His work, and greater peace and joy can be felt as I serve Him than in any other way or means. I know the Savior Jesus Christ is the only name and means whereby we can be saved and receive peace in this life, and Eternal Life in the world to come!
    This has been an incredible experience getting to talk with so many people that have completely different backgrounds culturally than myself. What a blessing! They are wonderful! The amount of love I have for the Iranian people is more than I can say with words, how I wish to become like them. Also I have been able to evaluate in a very real and personal way who the Jesus of Nazareth really is to me. For me I know that He truly is the literal Son of God, and my personal advocate with the Father. He will come and rule as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is the Prince of Peace, and we cannot find the buoyant peace that comes from following, loving, receiving, knowing, and becoming one with and in Him anywhere else. I adore Him.
I love and miss you all and wish you the greatest week! I hope the Missionary Training Center and Seven Peaks, and everything else has been wonderful! I also recently have been thinking how grateful I really am to have been born and raised in the family that I was born and raised in. What power comes in lives when love and Priesthood authority and power are ever present in our homes. This is true religion. How grateful I am to share that here with all I have to give at this time.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Canada Day! July 3, 2017

Anyway hope all is well! I am so grateful for you love and prayers, you are always in mine! Have a wonderful  week!

The Bauer's are a family that Steve's mom taught the gospel to while she was serving her mission in Hungary!

I am so proud that Steve remembered a word in Hungarian!
EGESZEGDRE!! means " BLESS YOU" you say that after someone sneezes!!

THis week has been great!
One thing I forgot was that a while a go we ran into a Hungarian who knows the Bauers, his name is Erno glonczi. I believe he said he was in there stake, and has recently moved here to Canada!
Canada Day was awesome! The Richmond Hill Ward had a great breakfast which was a good time! We also heard a lot of fireworks after we went into our apartment!
Church yesterday was great! 
We had the holiday weekend here which means yesterday was a holiday so we get to email today on the 4th! Happy 4th of july!
We can't wait to see the miracles that will come here!
Have a great week! I love and miss you!

Monday, June 26, 2017

Hard Week!!

It's been an pretty difficult week this week.
We have seen lots of miracles though!
The work goes on, and I know that it is real and true.
I am grateful that I get to be a missionary at this time!
Have a wonderful week and know that I love you!

Friday, June 16, 2017

Richmond Hill North Area, June 12th

This week was a wonderful week! We are having a blast up here in this Richmond Hill (North)Area.
   This area is awesome! There are some great members and a lot of work to do through them! The whole ward really is great!
    We also have lots of wonderful investigators that are doing very well!
     One cool miracle we saw here last week was accidentally (or not so accidentally) knocking on the wrong house, who ended up being a member. Who happened to have the other missionaries(English) not show for an appointment for whatever reason. Who wants her daughter to be taught so she can prepare to be baptized! That was pretty great!
    We are excited to see the miracles that are yet to come as we labor here!
    I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I have been reading and attempting to understand it. I feel a great power that comes from that book, and while I don't know often what the specific words and phrases mean in Persian, or how to pronounce them, I feel the power of the Holy Ghost that it is true.
     I can't tell you how nice and welcoming and genuine Persian people are. It's very inspiring. I am so grateful I get to serve in a way among them.
     Happy Father's Day to Dad next week! I am so grateful that I get to be your son.
     I also would love to hear how keeping the Sabbath day holy throughout your life has blessed you!
     From what I hear summer vacation has started out wonderfully! Lubes, Cooch, Hont, and Toast, I love and miss you a lot! I can't wait till we get to be reunited again!
    I hope you all have a great week and know how much I love you! I'm just so grateful for Heavenly Father's great and glorious plan. I know it's real. Love you!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Transferred to other FARSI AREA!! JUNE 5th

What a great week!
I had my first Skype call with some other missionaries in Germany which was actually really fun and super cool. I have probably said this, but there are about 10 Farsi speaking missionaries in the world right now!
     We also had an eventful exchange this week! Elder Holden(Elder Ward's companion) came here for a day! It was pretty nuts because we had a full Farsi(family doesn't really speak any English) service and lesson! It was pretty crazy and super funny! Within two minutes I was trying to say something, even though they don't speak English, they said to speak English(must have thought we had better odds haha) Anyway English didn't work, but Farsi mostly did! The service didn't end up working out, but we did read Maroni 10:3-5, and they said they believe the B of M is true, and I was able to testify, and they committed to read and pray about the B of M every day! It was honestly super exhilarating and the spirit was as strong as I have ever felt it in a lesson! I was also able to speak at honestly a much higher level than I was capable of before that! It was incredible!
     Our Ward had a cake auction this week and we baked a pretty legit cake (thanks to Elder Bakker's baking background). By the way, I have never eaten so well as a missionary. We eat like Kings. It's crazy!
     Some of the other missionaries put a bunch of money into the cake auction and we won a cake for $135. It was a good cake! Also, like 4 other cakes were donated to us!
     Fast and testimony meeting was wonderful! This ward really is incredible! We had transfer calls, and after just coming into this area, Elder Bakker and I are both being moved to the North area Richmond Hill. Elder Casdorph(15 months out) is being transferred to English work as a Zone Leader, and Elder Mcbeth is training a 9-month missionary who is now just learning Farsi, they will be in our current area, aka Farsi South Don Valley. 
     Also crazy Family history news, I will get this sisters email to you. SHe's from Scotland and broke down why our name with spelling(she is positive) is actually originally from England and was adopted into a Scottish clan. She was showing me the kilts of my clan and whatnot. WE were going to have dinner with her and she was going to show us a bunch of stuff, but now we are getting transferred. however, the blessing of Farsi work is I'm guaranteed to return haha. but I will send your email to her and she is planning on sending a bunch of information to you. 
    I know this work is real, and I am exactly where the Lord wants me to be. Your prayers are appreciated and felt. I do not walk alone. Love you and have a great week!

Sunday, June 4, 2017

First Week Speaking Farsi! Everything is now a secret!

We got a little worried when this email was labeled "The BIG ONE!"

Sent on May 23,2017

No time to email. Craziest week of my life. I love my Heavenly Father, and I love you. Pray for me

Sent May 28, 2017

Actually, this has been a ton of fun and I never knew how much I would enjoy learning a language! And quite honestly it's actually A LOT easier than I thought it could be!

This week I had my first Farsi meeting. Which is where the 4 of us Farsi Elders get together and talk about moving the Farsi work forward, it was cool. We also Skype Germany every so often and talk with them about moving the work forward, so that' cool. I think we are doing that tomorrow for my first time.
     Last preparation day we went and Elder Ward, Holden, and Bakker got haircuts that ended up taking 2 1/2 hours, hence no emailing time.
     This last week we got to mow and trim a lawn and take down some Christmas lights which were super great! Haven't got to do that in a long while!
     By the way, I can't really tell you about any of our investigators or Farsi members or their names because that's super under raps. Which honestly I am pretty pumped about! You can just know that the work is going super well and we are seeing miracles!
     It is definitely different being in Farsi work(in addition to the language), while we still get to talk to Farsi people, most of the people we talk to are English speakers, and most of the potential investigators we find we pass right along to some English missionaries. on the flip side, we get referrals from them which are awesome!
     One definitely great experience this week we got to give a blessing to a Brazilian member, what an incredible experience it always is to be able to participate in blessings. I know of nothing which testifies of the divinity of this work to me more than participating in the administration fo a Priesthood blessing or receiving one.
     I was happy to see and hear that dad ran into Elder Merkley! I sure hope he is doing well!
     I know this work is real, and that it's the Lord's work, he has said "I am able to do mine own work" and He does. stop being afraid, just believe.
    I love and miss you all! And hope you have an incredible week!

*note from mom...
I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that he can't share with us who he is working with. And especially that Steve is super stoked about this!!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Toronto, May 8, 2017 Tripanionship

This week has been an incredible one! WE have seen many miracles and with a phone and now our correct number the work is progressing at an exponential rate!

     WE taught a Nigerian family last week and they are amazing and we will meet with them tonight! Can't wait to see miracles with them!
     Frank is doing amazing! Committed to being baptized and we are planning on setting a date this week!
     New investigator Alexis Harrison is super cool and wants to know how quickly she can become a member!

     Our unity amongst the tripanionship is only getting better and we see miracle after miracle after miracle!
    we had a conference for northeastern U.S. and eastern Canada yesterday which was incredible! Very inspired messages from Elder Gong of Seventy, Elder Perkins (I think) seventyBonnie H. Cordon primary presidency, and Elder Oaks 12. The spirit was very strong! and I got to see Elder Bakker, Ward, and many others at the meeting!
     WE had interviews with President this week as well which is always a wonderful experience!

     I am so grateful for all of you and your loving prayers on my behalf! I know that this work is real and am so grateful for my opportunity to be a part of it! Love and miss you!


Monday, May 1, 2017

April 24, 2017--Toronto-staying in a trianionship!

Another incredible week! We still don't have a phone which makes it 3 weeks, and the entirety of my time serving here without a phone, but President is on it! So hopefully we get it figured out very soon! Jimi, the investigator that came back from Turkey and was ready to be baptized barring his parents approval, now has his parents approval and is ready, and we are just helping with a few small Word of Wisdom items and then he will be ready!

     We have had other almost lessons and are trying pretty hard, certainly a phone will make it more of a reality of being able to meet with people! One media referral we did get in contact with and had a quick conversation with has recently had his brother pass away and wants to make his relationship with God a much higher priority which is very awesome!

    Transfers came, and were pretty interesting waiting for a call because we didn't have a phone... Anyway The Portuguese Elders just asked for us and turns out we are staying in our tripanionship here for another 6 weeks! That'll be awesome and we are all super excited!

   Love this work, and love you! Have a great week!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Easter in Toronto! April 18, 2017

This week has been incredible! Many miracles! This 3 week transfer thing is really not a good idea! You probably didn't know this but libraries were closed yesterday(Monday), and we use the libraries to email so we are emailing today! President still had us have preparation day yesterday though! So today we are just emailing and then getting to work!

    One cool finding thing we do here is an English as a second language class! It's super fun and from what I hear it is probably the single most effective way of finding new investigators that missionaries have found. Of course we as English missionaries arent' directly teaching those investigators, but we get to help with the class!

    We also have many service opportunities here! And it seems much more often that people accept when we offer to help lift various items, or other things. We do service for someone almost every week to organize her work office haha. Last time we were organizing receipts for taxes haha.

First District meeting here was good. Had an easter egg hunt an dtalked a bit about hope and the Resurection!

   Ressuerection Sunday and really the whole week was incredible! We really used the Easter video in all finding situations with members and non-members!

    Ressurection Sunday itself was incredible! In church we sang "I know that my Redeemer Lives" and I really felt the spirit! I am so grateful for my knowledge that the Savior was resurrected and that He lives today! In Jesus the Christ it goes through all of the reasons why it is simply a fact that really there is no legitimate disputation over that the Savior was resurrected, but then says the greatest evidence we can receive is from the Spirit when we ask Heavenly Father for ourselves! I know this is true! No worldly evidence will ever compare to the incredible evidence that can be received from Heaven! So ask, I know He answers.

   Also at church an Investigator named Jimmy showed up and he left to Turkey my companions thought for a few months a short time ago, and he's back! And I'm pretty sure he is ready for baptism so that's wonderful! And we have found some sweet people and have solid appointments with them today and the rest of the week!

   Also can't remember if I said the Book of Mormon Musical finished on Resurection Sunday, Elder Tetauru is searching hard for a poster haha. It's been a fun conversation starter with people here!

  I love this work and know that it is real! The Lord has the capacity and willingness to accomplish His work! His work is not frustrated, and it will go on until all His promises are fulfilled! I am so grateful I get to be a part of It! Love and miss you all! Have a wonderful week!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Elder Dixon's first P-day back, April 11,2017

Sorry I got this off a bit late, his new one will follow shortly. This was last week's email!!

Thank you all for your prayers and your support while Steve did his two transfers at home and had his ACL knee repair. While he was home he was able to be a temple ordinance worker 4 days a week and he got to teach seminary 2 days a week at a local Jr. High with one of his favorite people in the world Brother Vallace. Between that and physical therapy and attending the temple, he was very busy.

We count ourselves very blessed for getting this 3 extra months with Steve.  He was so present while he was home. He would play four square with Sarah and her friends after school, and he would be full time quarter back with Kevin and his friends regularly. He would talk to his sisters and listen to them. It was basically like getting to live with a full time missionary in our home. He was very strict about studying, bedtime, and media. What an example and blessing it was to our family. A very surprise blessing. You wouldn't think your son blowing his knee out on his first P-day of his mission would be a blessing, but none of us here in the Dixon family would trade that special recovery time for anything.

We all feel so blessed that the surgery went so well. His physical therapist said that it is the 2nd all time best recovery he has ever seen in his practice, and that there was definitely divine intervention. 

We are so grateful he was able to return to the Toronto, Canada mission on April 4th 2017. I don't think it was quite as hard sending him back the second time, maybe because we all knew how badly he wanted to return. 

Ok Here is the email from Elder Dixon....

Hello from Canada! How great it is to be emailing back home to Utah again! I love being back!
When I got to Toronto President and Sister Shield's picked me up with my new Zone Leaders Elder Scofield and Elder Bagtas. Then they drove us to the zone leaders car, put my bags in their car and said see you later! They then took me to our apartment in down town Toronto. We are in the Ossington Zone in the Toronto East area. It's quite a bit different than Tillsonburg! haha we us the TTC (Toronto Transportation Company [I think]). So light rail trains, buses, and subways!

   It's crazy! We literally can't talk to everyone, because there are people everywhere pretty much all the time! So we talk to a lot!

    I am in a tripanionship with Elder Burton and Elder Tutauru. They are awesome! Elder burton is actually from Bountiful and is very outwardly humble and awesome! Elder Tutauru is super funny and is from Taheede. He is a native French speaker and was up in Valdoire speaking French, but I guess was struggling or something so now he is down here and has been here for a while! His English is very impressive! 

     This week we had interviews with President Shield's, which was good because I could ask him all of my logistical questions! Also had Zone council this week (in our mission that is a monthly meeting that the Zone Leaders put on just for the zone). They are talking a lot about the Prince of Peace Easter Initiative which is fun because when I was last here the big thing was the Christmas Light the World intiative!
     The new schedule is cool and super weird and I'm definetly getting used to it. It is a lot more flexible and missionaries have a lot more freedom, which is good, possibly could be difficult too.

Many miracles! I lov emissionary work! I love the Gospel and know it's true! Even today when an "ex-mormon" said she was there for me... haha I did contact and pick up a potential investigator right in front of her face too haha. Anyway life here is amazing, and I have a toothbrush I bought today! I had forgotten mine... Good times here in Toronto! Love you all! Have a great week!

Steve Returns home for Knee surgery DEC 17-APR -4

On December 17th 2017 Elder Dixon returned home from his mission to have an ACL knee surgery.
He decided to have Pepper Murray perform the surgery and he had it on January 4, 2017.

It was fun for Elder Dixon and his family to be together to for Christmas. Although Elder Dixon would have rather been face timing us from his mission.

Elder Dixon was a complete delight to have home for 3 months. His mom was worried that he would be depressed and it would be very difficult time for the family while he was home. It was not that way at all. From the second Elder Dixon got off the airplane from Toronto until he re boarded the airplane in April there was rarely a time you didn't see a smile on his face.

He was constantly studying, praying, visiting, and being such a force for good, even during all his recover time.

We all feel blessed we got to spend this 3 months with Elder Dixon in the middle of his mission.
I'm not sure there will be another time we will get that kind of time with him.

His knee surgery and recovery went as great as possible. His Physical Therapist, Joel, said it was the 2nd best recovery he has ever seen. He said there was definitely divine intervention.
He had to walk 3 days in a row 6 miles a day with a priesthood leader and Kelly gladly volunteered for that assignment.

Elder Dixon got to be a ordinance worker in the temple for the 3 months it was home. Kelly and Teri and Grandma Dixon all got to go and be with him while he was the session leader and Kelly got to do initiatory with him. He also baptized and confirmed all of us. What a great time to be in the temple.

We are so grateful to Brother Vallace who let Elder Dixon come and teach with him 2 days a week. Steve learned so much from this experience.