Monday, April 17, 2017

Steve Returns home for Knee surgery DEC 17-APR -4

On December 17th 2017 Elder Dixon returned home from his mission to have an ACL knee surgery.
He decided to have Pepper Murray perform the surgery and he had it on January 4, 2017.

It was fun for Elder Dixon and his family to be together to for Christmas. Although Elder Dixon would have rather been face timing us from his mission.

Elder Dixon was a complete delight to have home for 3 months. His mom was worried that he would be depressed and it would be very difficult time for the family while he was home. It was not that way at all. From the second Elder Dixon got off the airplane from Toronto until he re boarded the airplane in April there was rarely a time you didn't see a smile on his face.

He was constantly studying, praying, visiting, and being such a force for good, even during all his recover time.

We all feel blessed we got to spend this 3 months with Elder Dixon in the middle of his mission.
I'm not sure there will be another time we will get that kind of time with him.

His knee surgery and recovery went as great as possible. His Physical Therapist, Joel, said it was the 2nd best recovery he has ever seen. He said there was definitely divine intervention.
He had to walk 3 days in a row 6 miles a day with a priesthood leader and Kelly gladly volunteered for that assignment.

Elder Dixon got to be a ordinance worker in the temple for the 3 months it was home. Kelly and Teri and Grandma Dixon all got to go and be with him while he was the session leader and Kelly got to do initiatory with him. He also baptized and confirmed all of us. What a great time to be in the temple.

We are so grateful to Brother Vallace who let Elder Dixon come and teach with him 2 days a week. Steve learned so much from this experience.

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