Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tullsonburg with Elder Gardner

December 5, 2017

It has been another wonderful week out here! We have seen miracles every day!
     Our last district meeting of the transfer has now come and gone! I can't believe how quickly this 5 week transfer has gone! We will have Zone council this week which will be a party! also I believe we get to go the the new missionary's temple trip and meeting this week!
     We had a wonderful experience with a man named Mike Gunston who prayed for one of the first times in his life, and the spirit was super strong! We've had a little bit of trouble setting solid appointments with him though and we'll see what we can do in the future!
      We have been doing everything we can to #lighttheworld!! We have given multiple pass along cards to all members that we have come in contact with at church or otherwise and invited them to share them with everyone! Also we watch the video with everyone we can that has a computer(not many haha). Also we give them to everyone we talk to and there are a lot of people that seem interested in looking at it and giving it a shot!
     Sister Nancy Alberta is doing awesome and is SO close to living the Word of wisdom, she still has the goal to have it all solid by Christmas and we're excited for her!
     We talked to Sherry again for the first time in a few weeks on her doorstep in some hefty rain for about an hour, which was cold but so worth it! she seems very hurt by us not meeting with her and had made up her mind that she wasn't going to come to church anymore(that was her real reason, she gave some other weak ones at the start). She is having a lot of inner conflict that we noticed pretty easily and pointed out to her, she didn't really want to admit it but was willing to. She said she would look at the LIght the world stuff and that she needed a few days. I love her more than words can say, and really hope that she starts turning toward Christ so he can help her!
     The Christmas devotional was incredible! It was awesome to hear Brother Holmes speak! He's such a great guy! I remember when he came and did a question and answer meeting at the seminary building last year! That was awesome and so was his message last night! I have come to know that receiving the gift of Christ's love, Atoning sacrifice, and Godly peace are so important and really are the glad tidings of great joy that our wonderful missionary message delivers to the world! And it is REAL! I am more at peace, and feel more loved, and I feel the Atonement more and more and more in my life every day as I seek to accept my Savior! I love this Gospel! The Restoration of it is a fact. God bless you all and have a wonderful week!

This was mom's email to Steve..

Hi bud it’s mom! I of course have been extremely worried about your knee all week. Jane Jeppesen just had knee surgery on DEC 1st and had to get her meniscus taken out. They told her no more sports! She is devastated she has the same look i did at that age. Do you have any idea when your MRI will be? We are having the neighborhood get together tonight here. Dad and I are going to go get the garage all cleaned out. We are also going to have the families he home teaches over and Bro Hawks our home teacher over for soup before it starts so we can get all that taken care of at the same. You can just call me the major multi tasker of the century! Toast is in sleeping because he feels like he is going to throw up. Seano and Tomaicita have had the pukes and Luke Morris threw up at church yesterday. Tis the season for being sick! My Sunday school class looked like they were going to fall asleep during my lesson yesterday, any suggestions. I have Peter Jeppesen, Brooke Vogrenic, Kaytlin Numbers, Emmaline Morris. Its sad not having Logan in there anymore he really added a lot. He has moved to st george to spend December with family before he takes off. Erin has to teach a little lesson in Seminary tomorrow for 10 minutes and it is really stressing her out. Her and Jami also have tryouts tomorrow for their acting class play. Kevin and Sarah are loving the school play Aladdin. Jamilyn asked if she could quit piano and I told her no. Sarah and Kevin both want to start piano! Yikes, that is a lot of kids to get to practice! We have had a lot of fun watching Christmas movies in the theatre room. They had a kid take a gun to Milcreek Jr High and was going to shoot kids but his dad went and wrestled the gun out of his hands. Dad did a great job conducting yesterday but looked so nervous, I think it was because Elder Baxter, the stake president, the missionaries (we have new sisters by the way) and the high council man were all there. Elder Baxter bore his testimony about how amazing sister missionaries are. so be nice to the sisters in your mission. 
We miss you and love you tons. We think and talk about you all the time. We pray for you and the people you are working with. I am so grateful to have my boy on a mission. Go work hard and know that we love and support you.

Steve's response...

I'm not sure when the MRI will be! At the latest February 13, that's the appointment that got set up by the hospital when we went in! However Elder Cannon is working hard to find something sooner, we'll see what happens! That sickness doesn't sound too fun! Ask more thought provoking and inspired questions for the sleepy class! Presenting something is something that "Teaching in the Saviors Way" says is selfish because it's all about putting the attention on the teacher, but worrying more about them and asking a lot of good questions leads to real involvement and participation! Also they need to know that there comments meant the world to you and to adding to the spirit of the lesson, because if they don't know that they will lose interest in giving more engaged participation. As a missionary I struggle with that one a lot because people out here like to talk a lot about things that are not easy to tie in haha. I love sister missionaries! They are incredible and make miracles happen in ways that Elders never could! I love you! I know what you are doing is making a much bigger difference than you think it is and that lives are being impacted in ways that will last throughout Eternity!

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