Tuesday, July 25, 2017

July 24, 2017 Lots of new people to teach!!

Hello Family! This week has been incredible! We are seeing many miracles!
We have some great investigators right now all around the globe! Some here, Montreal, Taiwan, and who knows where is next! Crazy!
MPQ has been reading the B of M every night(3-4 pages) and coming to church and believes a Prophet is necessary today and wants to know what the purpose of life is, because no one has ever been able to answer that question for him.
LRT + EHI new from California where there great LDS friend majorly impacted there life, and they don't want to go anywhere but the Mormon church.
MPE wants to be baptized
UOR also wants to be baptized
JOU +UYH +DKE want to be sealed as soon as possible
HJO is reading the B Of M and feels that he/she has a great role to play in bringing friends back to the church and new ones into the church
A lot is happening, and we are seeing many miracles!
The Lord is blessing us immensely. I know that He is able to accomplish His work, that in reality I am not responsible nor capable to accomplish it. Only he can. I also know if I am worthy and work hard, He will allow me to be a part of His work, and greater peace and joy can be felt as I serve Him than in any other way or means. I know the Savior Jesus Christ is the only name and means whereby we can be saved and receive peace in this life, and Eternal Life in the world to come!
    This has been an incredible experience getting to talk with so many people that have completely different backgrounds culturally than myself. What a blessing! They are wonderful! The amount of love I have for the Iranian people is more than I can say with words, how I wish to become like them. Also I have been able to evaluate in a very real and personal way who the Jesus of Nazareth really is to me. For me I know that He truly is the literal Son of God, and my personal advocate with the Father. He will come and rule as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is the Prince of Peace, and we cannot find the buoyant peace that comes from following, loving, receiving, knowing, and becoming one with and in Him anywhere else. I adore Him.
I love and miss you all and wish you the greatest week! I hope the Missionary Training Center and Seven Peaks, and everything else has been wonderful! I also recently have been thinking how grateful I really am to have been born and raised in the family that I was born and raised in. What power comes in lives when love and Priesthood authority and power are ever present in our homes. This is true religion. How grateful I am to share that here with all I have to give at this time.

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