Monday, November 20, 2017

I-phones going to Steve's mission, Steve in a minor car accident

Hello all!
It has been an awesome week! We are anxiously and urgently applying everything we learned from our recent zone conference with Elder and Sister Pearson of the 70. We are seeing great fruit and many miracles. I feel very refreshed and as though I have a new heart.
Not sure if I reported this last week, but we finished our 2-week hunger games zone competition. I am happy to inform that "Glimmer"(that's us) took a shining first place, it was a little closer than we thought it would be though haha! We saw many miracles throughout these "games".
Happy to hear everyone back home is doing well! Also forgot to mention last week that elder Milad and I got into a car accident. But all seem to be doing well and our car has still been drivable! We will have to turn it in eventually but for now, we still have it!!
We are really starting to get excited about the repeat Christmas initiative #LightTheWorld !! What a great opportunity to turn our hearts to the Savior this Christmas season and in the future! I love this time of year! Also, side note there were a couple of pretty cold days up here. a type of things to come I'm sure haha. BUT with uncle Tom's head sock, I am ready to brave any storm!
       Also, pretty exciting news we learned just today that our mission is getting iPhones! Don't know exactly when or the process. But as of now missionaries in this mission are "authorized to fulfill their purpose using smartphones, social media, and other technologies. So that's relatively big news!

I am so happy. I feel full of joy and love for my Heavenly Father and all of His children. I feel more connected intimately to Him than ever before, and I am finding I am connecting more and more intimately with His children, my brothers, and sisters every day.
I love you all and hope with my heart and soul that you are allowing our Father in Heaven to support, encourage, lift, and carry you home through the Grace and mercy available because of and by and in His Beloved Son.
Have a great week!

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