Monday, November 27, 2017

Brother Franko's baptism!!

What a wonderful week. Amongst the most wonderful of my life!
     Monday after emailing I called Brother Franko, and investigator I was teaching that lives downtown. He seemed pretty anxious and asked if he could meet me somewhere, I said sure so we went and met with him. By the way his was planning on being baptized on November 19(yesterday). we got to talk with him and found out his friend has been feeding him a lot of anti-misinformation about the church(anti-garbage). Anyway, we talked with him for a while, bore testimony, prayed, and tried to help him see the truth. He calmed down a lot and went and got more answers and confirmation from God.
     Yesterday we were able to go and witness his baptism. It was and will forever be one of the happiest days of my life. After he was so happy and glowing. He kept telling me he wished that he had made the decision earlier, but I think that the timing was perfect. One of our investigators who wants to be baptized came. And Brother Franko was able to talk a little bit with him. He told him how warm he felt, and how full of peace he was. I was and am as well.
     God be thanked for the matchless gift of His Divine Son. How grateful I am to be a full-times representative of Christ. To go where He would have me go, say what he would have me say, act as He would have me act. To be a living and modern evidence of His reality, Divinity, and perfect love. My heart yearns for the salvation of our Heavenly Father's family.
     I wish i possessed the power in words that would illuminate your minds and fill your hearts with hope and Faith, Faith that would bring unto you repentance and fill your souls with Charity.
    I love you all and wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving! Go do something that has a warrant for another to be grateful to you as a ministering angel!!

B Franko baptism #1.JPG

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