Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Life changing zone conference with Elder Pearson!

Hello family! This week has been an awesome one!! We are seeing many very powerful miracles!

ONe is that we have someone that really wants to be baptized!! We are excited for her! Unfortunately, she can't be baptized right now but we are still thrilled for her and look forward to when she can!

Another brother wants to be baptized and can be baptized! He is planning on either November 25 or December 3rd! I just met him for the first time yesterday!

My life changed yesterday. We had Elder and Sister Pearson come and do a mission tour. So they ran the Zone Conference yesterday. He said at the start, I invite you to walk out of this chapel today a different person than you walked in. We have prepared, and are sent here with keys from the quorum of the twelve apostles, so it's up to you, are you ready?? Or something very similar to that. Many things were discussed, many powerful principles and Doctrines taught. I cried through most of it, which is actually quite a long time haha. I don't know exactly how to put it into words, or even exactly why yet, but I know that I have a new heart. I feel completely changed, refreshed, and full of love and real peace.

I know that he was sent with Apostolic keys. That he came because the Lord sent him. For me. I know that this church is in the reality the church of Almighty God, even the Eternal Father. I know that I am a Child of God. I know that I am not a kid from Centerville Utah that became a representative of Christ. I am an embassy of the Lord who once was a boy from Utah.
  I just know it's true. And it's worth it.

I love you all! Have a great week!

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