Monday, October 9, 2017

Elder Bakker transferred

This week has been an awesome one! We saw many miracles!
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!
One big highlight for me this week was our meeting with one of our investigator families and our mission President and his wife. I was struck powerfully by the love that they demonstrated towards that family! He also gave the mother a blessing with powerful promises. I know he really is the one who at this time holds keys through proper Priesthood Authority. I love him and Sister Shields.
     I hope everyone back home is doing wonderfully! Everything here really is incredible!
     Transfer news came this week. Elder Bakker has been transfered to English work in Kitchener serving in a Young Single Adult branch! I also have been transfered to Farsi South based out of the Don valley area! I am now serving with a seasoned misisonary Elder Milad(Elder Bakker's previous companion before serving with me). We are looking foward with great hope for the future! The area here really has been increbily watched over and cared for and there will be much to reap!
    It was difficult to say goodbye to many people this week from richmond Hill, on the bright side their is about a 95% chance I will serve there again! Can't wait to see what the Lord is able to accomplish with the new Elders serving there!
      I love you and you are always in my prayers. I know that the greatest and most fulfilling path to happiness is when one lives the Gospel of Jesus Christ and allows the Atoning power of the Savior to transform them into someone who is lost in the service of their fellow brothers and sisters. How grateful I am to bring this message here and how I deserve to prove faithful to the end.
     Have a wonderful week! Eat some Turkey or kabob for me!

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