Friday, June 16, 2017

Richmond Hill North Area, June 12th

This week was a wonderful week! We are having a blast up here in this Richmond Hill (North)Area.
   This area is awesome! There are some great members and a lot of work to do through them! The whole ward really is great!
    We also have lots of wonderful investigators that are doing very well!
     One cool miracle we saw here last week was accidentally (or not so accidentally) knocking on the wrong house, who ended up being a member. Who happened to have the other missionaries(English) not show for an appointment for whatever reason. Who wants her daughter to be taught so she can prepare to be baptized! That was pretty great!
    We are excited to see the miracles that are yet to come as we labor here!
    I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I have been reading and attempting to understand it. I feel a great power that comes from that book, and while I don't know often what the specific words and phrases mean in Persian, or how to pronounce them, I feel the power of the Holy Ghost that it is true.
     I can't tell you how nice and welcoming and genuine Persian people are. It's very inspiring. I am so grateful I get to serve in a way among them.
     Happy Father's Day to Dad next week! I am so grateful that I get to be your son.
     I also would love to hear how keeping the Sabbath day holy throughout your life has blessed you!
     From what I hear summer vacation has started out wonderfully! Lubes, Cooch, Hont, and Toast, I love and miss you a lot! I can't wait till we get to be reunited again!
    I hope you all have a great week and know how much I love you! I'm just so grateful for Heavenly Father's great and glorious plan. I know it's real. Love you!

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