Sunday, June 4, 2017

First Week Speaking Farsi! Everything is now a secret!

We got a little worried when this email was labeled "The BIG ONE!"

Sent on May 23,2017

No time to email. Craziest week of my life. I love my Heavenly Father, and I love you. Pray for me

Sent May 28, 2017

Actually, this has been a ton of fun and I never knew how much I would enjoy learning a language! And quite honestly it's actually A LOT easier than I thought it could be!

This week I had my first Farsi meeting. Which is where the 4 of us Farsi Elders get together and talk about moving the Farsi work forward, it was cool. We also Skype Germany every so often and talk with them about moving the work forward, so that' cool. I think we are doing that tomorrow for my first time.
     Last preparation day we went and Elder Ward, Holden, and Bakker got haircuts that ended up taking 2 1/2 hours, hence no emailing time.
     This last week we got to mow and trim a lawn and take down some Christmas lights which were super great! Haven't got to do that in a long while!
     By the way, I can't really tell you about any of our investigators or Farsi members or their names because that's super under raps. Which honestly I am pretty pumped about! You can just know that the work is going super well and we are seeing miracles!
     It is definitely different being in Farsi work(in addition to the language), while we still get to talk to Farsi people, most of the people we talk to are English speakers, and most of the potential investigators we find we pass right along to some English missionaries. on the flip side, we get referrals from them which are awesome!
     One definitely great experience this week we got to give a blessing to a Brazilian member, what an incredible experience it always is to be able to participate in blessings. I know of nothing which testifies of the divinity of this work to me more than participating in the administration fo a Priesthood blessing or receiving one.
     I was happy to see and hear that dad ran into Elder Merkley! I sure hope he is doing well!
     I know this work is real, and that it's the Lord's work, he has said "I am able to do mine own work" and He does. stop being afraid, just believe.
    I love and miss you all! And hope you have an incredible week!

*note from mom...
I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that he can't share with us who he is working with. And especially that Steve is super stoked about this!!

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