Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Steve's 1st Baptism! A guy in Taiwan!

Aug 30,2017
This week was awesome! We saw someone baptized in Taiwan! So cool! No time! Have a great week and love you all! Hope everyone is excited for school to start!

From Steve's mom,
So we got this recording from Steve explaining his baptism in Taiwan. They taught him over skype, and when he was getting baptized they got to watch it over skype. The guy who got baptized didn't speak Mandarine Chinese even though his baptismal service was in Mandarine. The missionaries serving there, in Taiwan, would translate the talks into English to Steve and his companion, then they would translate that into Farsi. At the end of the baptismal service,  they had the guy who got baptized give a talk. He gave it in Farsi to the Mandarine Chinese branch. Then Steve and his companion translated what he was saying over skype into English to the missionaries there in Taiwan, who then translated that into Chinese to the Branch. 

What a miracle technology can be!!

Hey, mom! Doesn't sound like things are going to calm down too much haha. Sounds like a hot soccer game and fun volleyball game, I can imagine the great entertainment of watching a bunch of kids that can't play volleyball haha. On the bright side when they learn how to play volleyball is super fun to watch!!
That's also too bad BYU's game didn't go so well! GLad they won though! Also great that Viewmont beat Davis!
That's great the Lube's got asked to Homecoming and even by who she wanted to be asked by! Tell her to enjoy that because that usually doesn't happen haha! Luke who??
This week was sure awesome with our Taiwan baptism! It'll be a week I never forget! I'm so grateful for flight benefits so I will be able to go see him(possibly others) and go to Iran one day(assuming safe)! Love you and have a great week!

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