Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Sept 5, 2017

Sept 5,2017

Well not a ton of time again this week, I guess that's becoming a little bit of a habit.
 It's been an awesome week! We are seeing miracles every day and I really am just so grateful to be a part of this work!
This Monday we had a cool talk with an individual who really is prepared for the Gospel. He is Chinese Mandarin speaking. After exhausting all of Elder Bakker and I's Mandarin we got to talk to him a little. The spirit really touched his heart. One thing I noticed talking to him was that he often would feel the spirit as we testified of truth, and in some cases get choked up and say that was very nice, but then I saw quite literally his countenance change as he would say, but this is the real world, that can't be true here. This happened multiple times throughout the conversation. It was a powerful learning experience for me to think how often I feel the spirit of the truth of something that is true that seems like may be too good to be true. We also met with a sweet individual who simply believes that he cannot pray,  because he doesn't already believe in God. How much joy we will feel as we choose to recognize God's hands in our lives and recognize that His truth and His love really are all that we could want or even hope they could be and more than we truly can begin to fathom. How grateful I am for the Lord Jesus Christ and the opportunity I have to come to know Him.
     Our Taiwanese new member is doing great, and we had him sit in and help teach a lesson we had here in Toronto! It was cool, went okay, but was really cool!
    Our other individuals we are teaching here are doing great! One I may have mentioned we were teaching in Quebec moved here and now we are teaching her here! Many are progressing and doing very well! We also can't wait to find more the Lord is preparing for the Gospel!
     Yesterday we had interviews with President and Sister Shields. I always feel such powerful love from them anytime I am around them. I am so grateful the Lord has given me some time to be ministered to from them and learn from them.
     I love you all and hope all is well! Sounds like the first week of school was a blast for everyone! Have a great second week!

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