Monday, September 19, 2016

Emailing back and Forth on September 19, 2016

Sorry to hear about the knee still giving you problems. It sounds like you now have the right brace which is great. I would suggest taking it real easy for a while (as long as your medical guy recommended) and not playing sports and give it time to really heal. Certainly, it sounds like walking is good, but just make sure to wear your brace. I know you hate not being able to play and this is a significant trial so remember President Uchtdorf's counsel to "slow down" and don't try to just speed up and get through it. You don't have to be perfectly humble in order to warrant the Lord's blessings or be a successful missionary. None of us are perfect anything so I hope you don't believe you have to be completely humble before being loved and blessed. Just try your best. Can't wait to hear your recordings. Have you got to attend the temple yet in Toronto? If so, did you work in the baptistry or receive an endowment?

I have not gone to the Temple, but this week I get to go to go twice. Once for the 6-week training and temple trip that all missionaries in their first 6 weeks get to go to. And we have a returning member who is receiving his endowment on Saturday and we get to go with him for that. We don't get to participate in any ordinances in the font because water, could do other stuff though. I think that both the trips this week will be recieving enddowment ordinances .

Ok I'm not liking this medical guy very much, did your knee feel like if popped again? I would really like you to go have it checked by a real orthopedic doctor , didn't he come and see you and look at your knee and brace and see if you have torn the ligament? Is it al swelled up again

Haha, you can call to get all the details if you want, this is the first time he had seen my knee brace though.
He had me on Tylonol extra strength but I rarely take that now because it doesn't really hurt, not too swollen but the swelling has never really went away, which he said is because it is healing so that's normal. He did look at it after you talked to him but I couldn't find my brace that morning cause their was loads of comotion at "The mansion" because of Elder Arnold. Anyway he got me a great brace now and you should probably like him because he is a super nice guy.

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