Tuesday, September 6, 2016

2nd P-day in Toronto (Tillsonburg)

This has been an incredible week. I've loved every second of being out here. Before I forget again I have to say a few words concerning the Canadian food I've been introduced to, it's fantastic. They have putin which is heavenly and Smoke's is the resturaunt the missionaries love. the maple syrup is actually that good. They have a desert called "The Great Canadian Sunday" which is probably the best thing on this planet. It's vanilla ice cream with the corn flakes cereal and coated in maple syrup, it's heavenly.
     I took some serious spiritual rebuking this week, and a lot of comfort. We were teaching one of our investigators named Sherry and she just doesn't get that we have what she needs, or at least that was my prideful thought. She had decided by the end of the lesson that she was really just there for us and that she was going to help us so we could be better missionaries for others. That's true, but she needs our message said my prideful mind. Anyway I was rebuked and the spirit taught me that really there were many that could help her, and I was here mostly for me. I needed to focus on others, but I was moslty there for my own progression. It was difficult to take in and I'm definetly still learning about it.
     Dad's voice recording made me cry and was super good the day after that spiritual rebuking. That day I was simply comforted by the spirit and experiences all day after the difficult one before. When dad said that the spirit told Him from God that He had me, I felt the spirit very strongly say that He did have me, and He was going to be with me and take care of me, and that I could do it through Him. That's when I cried and stuff. Later for portal trainging stuff I saw a clip from President Monson talking about how sometimes life is hard and we don't see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is how God wants this life to be, and it is the way that I can truly grow.
     Sunday was wonderful and I really felt the spirit during testimony meeting. I know that this is Christ's church anywhere in the world and that all people on the earth truly are children of God. We were listening to a piece of some talks and got to one from Holland addressing mission presidents. He said something along the lines of, "I have often wondered why the work of Salvation is so difficult, and why people don't just accept this Gospel that I know could bless their lives forever. After much thought I have come to this conclusion as to part of the reason. THE PRICE OF SALVATION IS NOT A CHEAP EXPERIENCE. Not for the investigator or for the missionary, it is difficult, and it is absolutlely worth it. I invite you presidents, when your missionaries question as to the difficulties of the work and ask why it is so hard. Tell them that someone much greater then them, much better, did something that wasn't easy for Him. Tell them that He asked if there was no other way and for the bitter cup He was asked to drink would be removed from Him. This is no cheap experience, but it will be eternally worth it" This was powerful for me and gave me the motivation to keep going.
     Also, we finally got to see Jerry which was a super great tender mercy. Also I had my first investigator actually drop us so that was awesome. I was so hyped about Jerry that I just didn't really care.
     I know this is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and He is who I represent, I'm so grateful for the small amount of time that I get that priveledge.

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