Monday, September 5, 2016

1st P-day in Toronto (Tillsonburg)

Which one of these is not like the others?
Poor Steve cut his head open getting his luggage out of the trailer on his first day in the mission.
One week later he sprained his knee, so the medical missionary knows him well!

Well, not too long after emailing last week I suffered a knee injury at sports. We were playing what's called "chair soccer" which in all honesty I didn't think was all that fun. Anyway I planted wrong I guess and my knee popped on the outside and I had trouble walking and stuff. We iced it and called Brother Cannon who is now quite familiar with me. He said to get a knee support band which we did. I have been icing it and wearing that and it is starting to get a lot better. Still definetly swollen though and I can't run or anything on it till at least Friday he said. Good times! I'm sure this is no suprise to you back home.
     We had our first District meeting this week and they had us do a bunch of stuff. Elder Johnson says that based on the numbers that were presented our District seems to be struggling significantly. I still don't really understand what reasonable numbers are but I'm not too worried about all that. They are really emphasizing opening your mouth and talking to everyone in part because Elder Ballard talked about that a lot. It's awesome.
     We finally got to teach Sherry who the old missionaries said was our one solid investigator. She was great. She does not want to set a baptismal date and it sounds like the old Elder's did nothing but talk to her about that. They told us she hadn't had any of the lessons... Oh well, we decided to not worry about that and have her gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon and the rest will take care of itself.
     I am starting to see more and more tender mercies throughout the day when otherwise it would seem like a difficult thing to do. There are so many nice people here, even the ones that are not very interested in the Gospel. So that's pretty sweet. We definetly are working on how we can do better at finding people which I'm sure based on what I've heard is something to be improving and changing throughout one's mission.
     church was fantastic! It is super small town and awesome! My testimony was significantly stregnthened of the fact that "where two or three are gathered there am I also"
     One of my favorite things that I read today was in Jesus the Christ where it talks about how "one" is in regards to purpose, and power in regards to the Greek original translation, but how it does not relate to the personality. I love this principle of us still keeping our personalities throughout Eternity. It makes Heaven sound a whole lot better to me!
     Also if you have sent any actual letters I haven't got them so that's a dagger. I am sending some (I think) today if I get the chance.
     I would love inserts to my shoes if we decided that would work, the arches of my feet hurt a bit all the time. I love and miss you all.
     I am so thankful for the chance that I have to be a part of this glorious work. It is difficult. It is emotionally taxing and spiritually draining, but it is fantastic! The relationship I have been able to stregnthen with my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has been incredible. Elder Johnson is amazing and I have learned and am learning so much from him, and am trying to soak up as much as I possibly can because I know I don't have him for long!
This was the group Steve arrived with at the airport in Toronto on Aug. 15, 2016

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