Monday, September 19, 2016

4th P-day in Toronto (Tillsonburg)

This week has been pretty sweet!
     I'm bummed to hear about BYU. It's probably good i'm here and not there being infinetly frustrated with the decision to play Taysom rather than Tanner. I of course have thought since Taysom's announcement of playing this year that Tanner would probably be the better option. Oh well. I'm glad Kalani is saying the right things I guess, I'd rather have him play the right players. Like I said, probably good that I'm out here instead of back there.
     At sports last week I messed up my knee again. That was great. The next day we went to Brampton and Elder Cannon looked at the brace I had and said that's not what he meant at all. That was fun. We went shopping with him and he got me a hefty brace and says, "Be wise, what can I say more?" about what to do on it. I won't be playing sports on it for at least 3 weeks to be safe. Anyways that has been fun.
     We have had some pretty great Branch involvement and our investigators are really starting to feel very welcomed and loved at church and at other activities that they are being invited to and coming to.
     I was pretty emotionally and physically tired at the start of the week and I'm crediting my knee for that.
     We did some service on Thursday for some members which was fun.
     We had my first zone council this week! It was super sweet! The spirit was super strong and I think the individual preparations of the zone. One piece of personal revelation I recieved was that I can be obedient with the right spirit and attitude of love for God while still not being absolutely enthusiastic and bursting with optimism, as well as even thinking that I don't want to do it. The perfect example of this of course is Jesus Christ, who was outwardly weighed down by sorrow through different parts of His ministry and especially while performing the Atoning sacrifice, and He even asked to have the cup removed, he didn't want to do it. Yet He did, and of course we know He did it out of a perfect love for us and for our Heavenly Father. It brings me great comfort to know that it is okay if I don't absolutely want to do this work everyday, and that I can still serve for the right reasons in the right way.
     There was lots of great instruction given, and I felt the spirit very strongly throughout the entire 3 hours. Probably my favorite part was testimonies though at the end of the meeting. Elder Johnson bore a very simple, short, yet powerful testimony. It was wonderful. Elder Wehi who I have also grown a great respect for(one of the zone leaders, going home with Elder Johnson and is from Austrailia), gave a beautiful testimony to finish the meeting and said somehting that has really stuck with me. He said that those out in the world without this Gospel are so much more tired than we are. They are tired of not having the truth, tired of not accessing the Atonement, tired of not knowing Jesus Christ, and that we cannot afford to let our tiredness get in the way of them recieving the gift that will stop their tiredness forever. He said he knew that our missions were intended to prepare us to raise an Eternal Family. They were beautiful thoughts in a beautiful testimony.
     I think our talks in Sacrament meeting went well and hopefully will provide some motivation and inspiration to come join this labor of love.
     Something that I have really thought about this week was how I don't know of any other work where there are so many resources available and specific instrustion given than to missionaries to carry out missionary work. On one hand it shows how important missionary work is the Jesus Christ, on the other it shows and tells me that I don't have to re-invent the wheel. I think often times I think that I am the exception or those that we are working with are the exception. This simply isn't true, if we will just follow the pattern that has been so clearly established we will have the most success possible.
     In my studies I have also tried to apply a similar principle. Often studies feel like review because I lack the true humble searching spirit and think that I know enough about these and there isn't much more to find besides small insignificant details. Obviously this is very untrue. to help with this I have been applying one thing from studies each day to do during that day, so far it has been a wonderful experience.
     I know that Jesus Christ is the leader of this church and this work. All of God's children were His and are still His long before and during and after my interactions with them, and He will take care of them. This Gospel becomes very simple if we will honestly trust in God. Trust Him enough to obey without full knowledge, trust Him with our friends, trust Him in difficulties. I know as we trust in God he DELIVERS. Always.

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