Monday, September 26, 2016

5th P-day Toronto (Tillsonburg)

Steve Said his knee is much better and it will be checked out at the doctor on Oct 7th!
I am scared to death for socialized medicine to diagnose this wrong, but my knee was diagnosed wrong when I was 14 here so maybe not much better. Pray for a miracle that nothing will be seriously wrong with it.

He will be getting a new companion on Wednesday, because Elder Johnson is heading home. His new companion is 6'4, so that should be an interesting combination. Can't wait to see pictures!!;)

Here is the letter from Steve....

This week has been great.
Reg and Margarett have taken to showing us everything they own which is awesome and Reg is softening up a bunch and is not ready to come back to church yet but I bet he will soon.

A picture of some of Reg's stuff he likes to collect

    With Sherry this week was awesome. She is still scared to commit to a baptismal date but totally knows she should and is receiving incredible fellowship from the branch. She even told us in a lesson that we had saved her life, and she knows that it really is God who sent us there. She still thinks a lot of it is just getting her out and being social. But obviously we know that there is a lot more happening than that. She is changing so much! Her daughter had a mental breakdown and is in the hospital which I think will be huge for her, she prayed to be closer to her family and she is getting it! Also we have prayed a bunch and think Conference is going to be where she gets a solid answer. 
    We also met this guy on the street and he was super nice. Homeless with nothing but insisted on buying us Tim Hortons and wanted to know his purpose in life. We told him a bit while walking around town and set up a return appointment which was hard since he's homeless and he didn't show which was too bad, but he was super awesome.
    Also Elder Johnson had his departing interview which from what he said was pretty intense. Elder Bakker was there though cause he has a companion who is dying.(Elder Bakker MTC Farsi speaking). So it was way cool cause I got to talk with him for like 30 minutes. Also I got to talk to Sister Shields a bunch and we talked about traveling and Israel and stuff and it was way fun. I also got to go teaching with one of the Brampton Zone leaders named Elder Taylor, he is super sweet. Unfortunately it fell though but we tracked into some sweet Indian people in Brampton that I'm way excited for him to teach. We slept over at the mansion that night and got to see how that works when not many people are there. The assistants(Elder Holt and Carrol) and the Brampton zone leaders(Elder Flake and Elder Taylor) are the two companion ships who live there. I got to talk with all them a bunch and ask what they would do if they were starting again differently. It was sweet and you can just feel their power just like with Elder Johnson that you can tell comes from their commitment to their service.
     The temple with Brother Gary Pidgon was phenomenal, and I get to go again for the 6 week  newbies next week before conference which will be awesome! We got the video that I see almost every time and the spirit was so strong. My testimony was greatly strengthened as to how real this Gospel is and that what I am doing has real consequence in these peoples lives and how much I want all of God's family to be in the temple together.
     In church we sang 159 "Now the day is Over" as the final hymn of Elder Johnson's mission church experience. I of course was so happy they chose that classic hymn!
    I know everyone Jesus Christ. I know His restored Gospel is the best way and only way to fully access Him and His Atonement. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be a missionary and be offering Jesus Christ as a representative of Jesus Christ every day. I know Him so much better and my relationship with Him and my Heavenly Father is beyond so much deeper than I ever knew it could be. I know God knows me. I know he loves me. I know he loves ALL of His children and has a plan for all of them.

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