Steve's Mission

Monday, December 11, 2017

Steve's in another car accident! Yikes!

Hello family! This week has sure been a great one!
We are going pretty ham for this "Light the World" and many members are catching the fire with us!! We have had members do something with us serving someone almost every day of the month so far!!
What have you been doing with LightTheWorld?? Hopefully, it's just as rocking back in Centerville Utah as over here in Toronto!
One really cool miracle this week was that we met a brother in a subway station, and then invited him to our ward Christmas party. We didn't have a lot of hope that he would make it because he said he didn't have a phone number or address that he could give us. But he did make it! And got to see our Oscar award-winning missionary skit!(I think someone got a video, so in the future, I might be able to send it haha). Also there we all sang Christmas carols, and he said to us, this is what life is all about. We gave him a tour of the church and he visibly felt the spirit in the chapel. We invited him to church and yesterday he came!! We will be meeting with him tonight and he says he has a lot of questions!!
     Also, yesterday night while driving with a member to go caroling we got rear ended pretty bad. I probably have some whiplash. It's also getting pretty icy haha. Despite all that doing this work I have never been so happy in my life. I feel so warm and full of peace!
     Elder Milad has 3 weeks left and he's on fire. We are working like crazy and President Shield's told me to work him so hard we have to carry him to the airport. I'm going to haha.
     I know this work is true. I feel it so powerfully and clearly! I want to go and give all that I have to give, and am so grateful for this time that I can. I love you and am grateful for your influence in my life. Have a great week!

Monday, December 4, 2017

It's been a great week out here! We are having a lot of fun and really trying to work hard!
     We had a really cool miracle for our day one of "LightTheWorld". We called a member family to see if we could drop by with the intent of bringing cookies for LightTheWorld, but they said not that night. We went anyway and ended up talking to a sister in the area that said she had grown up religious but just didn't understand how God could be there with all the evil in the world today. We told her we could help her find answers and understanding of the purpose of life. It was visibly powerful for her and changed her heart towards the Lord's servants!
     For LightTheWorld day 2 we did a hot chocolate stand with a big LightTheWorld poster and day 3 we did well on the Sabbath by caroling, in a few members homes and on the street! It was really cool! We saw hearts softened and powerful opportunities presented!
      We are also getting excited about phones coming to our mission after the new year(I think)! That will be awesome!
     We also this week had interviews with President and Sister Shield's that we wonderful! I always really feel the spirit meeting with them! We were talking a lot about the future of Farsi work with them and who we should call, how we should go about doing it. It was fun haha.
     Also really cool news the Doctrine and Covenants is now translated and available online up to the 104th section! just found out and we are pretty excited about it!
     Haven't got to watch the first presidency Christmas devotional yet but I'm sure it was awesome!
     Also, I have a personal goal to make it through Christmas here this year!!
     I love you all! I know this work is true! I'm grateful for this season and this opportunity to remember focus on the Savior more in our lives.
Have a great week!

Honto! Sorry you haven't heard from me in a while! I know some letters are coming your way!
Don't get too homesick for me! You're still at home!! Are you excited for the new Star Wars? I saw a poster of it on a movie theature today haha.
Life shouldn't be a repeat! Then it will feel like the movie groundhopper day! That's now fun! One way you can make it not a repeat is finding a fun and nice way to serve someone else everyday! This LightTheWorld for Christmas is a great way!

Love you Honto! have a great week!

Monday, November 27, 2017

Brother Franko's baptism!!

What a wonderful week. Amongst the most wonderful of my life!
     Monday after emailing I called Brother Franko, and investigator I was teaching that lives downtown. He seemed pretty anxious and asked if he could meet me somewhere, I said sure so we went and met with him. By the way his was planning on being baptized on November 19(yesterday). we got to talk with him and found out his friend has been feeding him a lot of anti-misinformation about the church(anti-garbage). Anyway, we talked with him for a while, bore testimony, prayed, and tried to help him see the truth. He calmed down a lot and went and got more answers and confirmation from God.
     Yesterday we were able to go and witness his baptism. It was and will forever be one of the happiest days of my life. After he was so happy and glowing. He kept telling me he wished that he had made the decision earlier, but I think that the timing was perfect. One of our investigators who wants to be baptized came. And Brother Franko was able to talk a little bit with him. He told him how warm he felt, and how full of peace he was. I was and am as well.
     God be thanked for the matchless gift of His Divine Son. How grateful I am to be a full-times representative of Christ. To go where He would have me go, say what he would have me say, act as He would have me act. To be a living and modern evidence of His reality, Divinity, and perfect love. My heart yearns for the salvation of our Heavenly Father's family.
     I wish i possessed the power in words that would illuminate your minds and fill your hearts with hope and Faith, Faith that would bring unto you repentance and fill your souls with Charity.
    I love you all and wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving! Go do something that has a warrant for another to be grateful to you as a ministering angel!!

B Franko baptism #1.JPG

Monday, November 20, 2017

I-phones going to Steve's mission, Steve in a minor car accident

Hello all!
It has been an awesome week! We are anxiously and urgently applying everything we learned from our recent zone conference with Elder and Sister Pearson of the 70. We are seeing great fruit and many miracles. I feel very refreshed and as though I have a new heart.
Not sure if I reported this last week, but we finished our 2-week hunger games zone competition. I am happy to inform that "Glimmer"(that's us) took a shining first place, it was a little closer than we thought it would be though haha! We saw many miracles throughout these "games".
Happy to hear everyone back home is doing well! Also forgot to mention last week that elder Milad and I got into a car accident. But all seem to be doing well and our car has still been drivable! We will have to turn it in eventually but for now, we still have it!!
We are really starting to get excited about the repeat Christmas initiative #LightTheWorld !! What a great opportunity to turn our hearts to the Savior this Christmas season and in the future! I love this time of year! Also, side note there were a couple of pretty cold days up here. a type of things to come I'm sure haha. BUT with uncle Tom's head sock, I am ready to brave any storm!
       Also, pretty exciting news we learned just today that our mission is getting iPhones! Don't know exactly when or the process. But as of now missionaries in this mission are "authorized to fulfill their purpose using smartphones, social media, and other technologies. So that's relatively big news!

I am so happy. I feel full of joy and love for my Heavenly Father and all of His children. I feel more connected intimately to Him than ever before, and I am finding I am connecting more and more intimately with His children, my brothers, and sisters every day.
I love you all and hope with my heart and soul that you are allowing our Father in Heaven to support, encourage, lift, and carry you home through the Grace and mercy available because of and by and in His Beloved Son.
Have a great week!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Life changing zone conference with Elder Pearson!

Hello family! This week has been an awesome one!! We are seeing many very powerful miracles!

ONe is that we have someone that really wants to be baptized!! We are excited for her! Unfortunately, she can't be baptized right now but we are still thrilled for her and look forward to when she can!

Another brother wants to be baptized and can be baptized! He is planning on either November 25 or December 3rd! I just met him for the first time yesterday!

My life changed yesterday. We had Elder and Sister Pearson come and do a mission tour. So they ran the Zone Conference yesterday. He said at the start, I invite you to walk out of this chapel today a different person than you walked in. We have prepared, and are sent here with keys from the quorum of the twelve apostles, so it's up to you, are you ready?? Or something very similar to that. Many things were discussed, many powerful principles and Doctrines taught. I cried through most of it, which is actually quite a long time haha. I don't know exactly how to put it into words, or even exactly why yet, but I know that I have a new heart. I feel completely changed, refreshed, and full of love and real peace.

I know that he was sent with Apostolic keys. That he came because the Lord sent him. For me. I know that this church is in the reality the church of Almighty God, even the Eternal Father. I know that I am a Child of God. I know that I am not a kid from Centerville Utah that became a representative of Christ. I am an embassy of the Lord who once was a boy from Utah.
  I just know it's true. And it's worth it.

I love you all! Have a great week!

Monday, October 30, 2017

Book of Mormon Converts!

This week has been pretty awesome. my preparation day will be Tuesday next weekbecase Elder Pearson and his wife are coming to have a mission tour here!
Hope your all doing well!
We've seen great miracles here! I got to give a talk in Sacrament meeting yesterday which was fun!
Sounds like Harvest was a good time!
It's getting pretty cold here!
We have an investigator that told us that she would do whatever we said and whatever God said because she got an answer praying about the Book of Mormon! She wants to be baptized. We'll see what happens!!
Love you all! Happy to hear the Cougs won! Have a great week!

Monday, October 23, 2017

My joy is full!

THis week has been an amazing one! We have seen many miracles and I love being back in the city! I am really starting to adjust again and am looking forward with great anticipation for what is ahead here!
I have already learned so much from Elder Milad and am excited to learn so much more!
Yesterday was a real treat! We had stake conference! I got to see a family from up north that is investigating and is from Heaven. And many other members from up there!
    Also a real tender mercy. Not sure how well you will remember Brother Franko from when I served in downtown. But he was there too. I have had pretty average (at best) contact with him due to him being busy and whatnot. Anyway found out from him how excited he is to be baptized November 19th!! It seems pretty much 100%. So we'll have to pull some strings and get a Farsi speaker there so we can go haha. He said, when you were teaching me the timing was just too close to when my brother had passed away, but now I am ready! He also said, "why didn't you tell me all of this?? These guys tell me so much and you guys were just spoon feeding me!" haha. He was very prepared then and is now ready to make that binding covenant and recieve the powerful ordinances. I am so thrilled for him. My joy honestly feels so full!
     I am so grateful that I get to be here and a part of the Lord's work. How I desire to be His hands and allow Him to speak and act through me. Above all else I desire to be one with Him, truly one. I love you and know the Lord knows the deepest pleadings of your heart, even the ones you don't seem to know exactly how to sing.
    Have a great week!