Monday, December 11, 2017

Steve's in another car accident! Yikes!

Hello family! This week has sure been a great one!
We are going pretty ham for this "Light the World" and many members are catching the fire with us!! We have had members do something with us serving someone almost every day of the month so far!!
What have you been doing with LightTheWorld?? Hopefully, it's just as rocking back in Centerville Utah as over here in Toronto!
One really cool miracle this week was that we met a brother in a subway station, and then invited him to our ward Christmas party. We didn't have a lot of hope that he would make it because he said he didn't have a phone number or address that he could give us. But he did make it! And got to see our Oscar award-winning missionary skit!(I think someone got a video, so in the future, I might be able to send it haha). Also there we all sang Christmas carols, and he said to us, this is what life is all about. We gave him a tour of the church and he visibly felt the spirit in the chapel. We invited him to church and yesterday he came!! We will be meeting with him tonight and he says he has a lot of questions!!
     Also, yesterday night while driving with a member to go caroling we got rear ended pretty bad. I probably have some whiplash. It's also getting pretty icy haha. Despite all that doing this work I have never been so happy in my life. I feel so warm and full of peace!
     Elder Milad has 3 weeks left and he's on fire. We are working like crazy and President Shield's told me to work him so hard we have to carry him to the airport. I'm going to haha.
     I know this work is true. I feel it so powerfully and clearly! I want to go and give all that I have to give, and am so grateful for this time that I can. I love you and am grateful for your influence in my life. Have a great week!

Monday, December 4, 2017

It's been a great week out here! We are having a lot of fun and really trying to work hard!
     We had a really cool miracle for our day one of "LightTheWorld". We called a member family to see if we could drop by with the intent of bringing cookies for LightTheWorld, but they said not that night. We went anyway and ended up talking to a sister in the area that said she had grown up religious but just didn't understand how God could be there with all the evil in the world today. We told her we could help her find answers and understanding of the purpose of life. It was visibly powerful for her and changed her heart towards the Lord's servants!
     For LightTheWorld day 2 we did a hot chocolate stand with a big LightTheWorld poster and day 3 we did well on the Sabbath by caroling, in a few members homes and on the street! It was really cool! We saw hearts softened and powerful opportunities presented!
      We are also getting excited about phones coming to our mission after the new year(I think)! That will be awesome!
     We also this week had interviews with President and Sister Shield's that we wonderful! I always really feel the spirit meeting with them! We were talking a lot about the future of Farsi work with them and who we should call, how we should go about doing it. It was fun haha.
     Also really cool news the Doctrine and Covenants is now translated and available online up to the 104th section! just found out and we are pretty excited about it!
     Haven't got to watch the first presidency Christmas devotional yet but I'm sure it was awesome!
     Also, I have a personal goal to make it through Christmas here this year!!
     I love you all! I know this work is true! I'm grateful for this season and this opportunity to remember focus on the Savior more in our lives.
Have a great week!

Honto! Sorry you haven't heard from me in a while! I know some letters are coming your way!
Don't get too homesick for me! You're still at home!! Are you excited for the new Star Wars? I saw a poster of it on a movie theature today haha.
Life shouldn't be a repeat! Then it will feel like the movie groundhopper day! That's now fun! One way you can make it not a repeat is finding a fun and nice way to serve someone else everyday! This LightTheWorld for Christmas is a great way!

Love you Honto! have a great week!