Monday, November 21, 2016

Tullsonburg's doctor's looking at Steve's knee Scary!!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Steve is Training a GREENIE!! Isn't he still GREEN?

Monday November 14, 2016        Steve's been out about 31/2 months


Email from Steve....

This week has been pretty nuts! My new companion is Elder Garner and he is the champ of the century! He has so much spiritual fire and desire to make miracles happen! We're gonna see miracles and baptisms this transfer! I can't wait!
     We had the chance to meet with Sherry again (twice), she is really trying to find out what's right, kind of haha. Also Nancy is still working towards November 26 so that's pretty great! 
     It was great to hear everything from home! I actually just finished the recordings! Sounds like soccer season is over and everything for the play is going great! I love and miss you all! I can't believe how fast time keeps going!
     We has stake conference this week which was pretty grand! We went down to London with our Branch mission leader! President and Sister shield's came as well and it was super great to hear from them! Also there were A Lot of speakers, a lot more than I remember from stake conferences back in Babylon haha. And President Sandor(stake president) talked and it was super good. He threw down pretty hard on people not being willing to forgive and said that "the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not for stubborn proud camels who won't shake off things others have done, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is for us, and if we are not willing to let go of these things from the past, we are not fit for the kingdom of God" haha. That's just a piece though and everyone still felt very loved because he is an INCREDIBLE speaker. He seemed to have no notes but went on and on and used quotes and scriptures from memory, it was very impressive. Everyone in the stake thinks he will be an apostle haha. He is super young to, probably late 20's or early 30's. Anyway that was pretty sweet.
     Also we contacted my favorite contact of the mission. We were trying to find the house of someone that we talked to and said we could come by on the street. and ran into this guy named Mike. He's super smart, and is all about conspiracy theories haha. He told us about religion being heavily influenced by politics. It was nuts and pretty funny, but he does know the stuff he has read very well! and we gave him a BOM that he was very interested in and I think he will really read it! Also we are going back this week to see him which should be super fun!
     I know this is the work of Almighty God! I have never felt so happy, supported, and loved by my Heavenly Father! I hope all is well and continues to go wonderfully! I love you and miss you!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

No More Chatting! Still in Tillsonburg, Elder Brand transferred!

Hey, so the chat thing is a real thing. It would be sweet to just send me a list of questions that need answering and then I can answer in one email. ALSO thanks for the birthday stuff from Grandma and Grandpa Hutchings, the Washington Hutchings, Grandma Dixon and You Guys!! I loved getting it all on Friday! Especially the forgotten carols! That is the PERFECT birthday present ever! It's awesome here because we can start celebrating Christmas super early and you don't even have to feel guilty because it's the next holiday after Halloween! I love you all and miss you! I feel your prayers!    

So this means we can't live chat with Steve anymore, so sad! It is the only way we really get answers to all of our questions! We will miss getting to talk to him live!! KELLY and I will have a hard time not e-mailing him when we see his emails coming in!!

That's awesome they did so well this term! I can't believe it's been that long! That's sweet that BYU won! Our investigators are doing awesome! Nancy came to church again and she is progressing amazingly! George and Lynn are keeping reading commitments and are progressing which is sweet! Sherry has been a bit iffy but we're still optimistic! I am staying in Tillsonburg for at least 6 weeks!

 This week has been pretty nuts! As you may remember this was the last week of the transfer. This transfer FLEW by super fast, WAY faster than the last one!
     Some sweet highlights were that we went on exchanges with the zone leaders, Elder Brand went to London with Elder Taylor, and Elder Certonio came here to Tillsonburg. I stinkin love Elder Certonio! We've talked a bit and I thought he was pretty sweet before, but he is way more sweet than I realized haha. He is rediculously good at giving positive and uplifting feedback and constantly encouraging! That is the kind of leadership style/approach I want to start developing. Lifting, loving, praising, and encouraging more than purely seeking to motivate. Also it blew my mind how quickly he talked in contacts but still made perfect sense to people. He got so much information out, and treated them in the same loving way that people just wanted to talk with us more. Anyway, I have learned lots and think he is pretty sweet!
     That was after zone council where they introduced the Christmas initiative that will be starting in a little less than a month which is "Light the World". It's sweet how much the church does for these "initiatives"(Easter and Christmas). I'm super excited! And I'll get to see the Christmas video early which is pretty sweet!
     Well, unfortunately we did get a transfer call last night... Elder Brand being the champ that he is, is going to be a zone leader in Branfield or something like that. It's no real surprise since he's a total champ and he's going to be a super solid zone leader! Since it was a leadership call we got a call from President Shield's instead of one of the assistants, which I guess happens for all leadership calls. We also have a new assistant because Elder Holt is going home, his name is Elder Sabin. I don't really know him at all but I'm sure he's pretty sweet!
     And by the way I get to stay in Tillsonburg! Which I'm super excited about! It would have been a real dagger to lose Elder Brand and go somewhere else! I'm pumped to be here for at least another 6 weeks!
     I have learned significant patience as I have tried to develop it over the past week. I have come to more fully understand that patience is not lowering expectations! I believe it is having a firm hope and faith that wonderful things will happen and then accepting the Lord's comfort and peace when they come later rather than right now! I feel like a completely different person than I was when I came out here and even from 6 weeks ago! I know what I am doing is what God wants me to be doing! I know I couldn't do this without complete reliance on Jesus Christ, and I also know that I can absolutely do it and be completely successful through and by him! I am more at peace than I have ever been in my life!
    I hope everyone has another wonderful week!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Halloween in Tillsonburg!

November 1, 2016

Steve is playing a little on his knee and it is still popping and clicking when he does. I think we are going to have him go to a doctor and get it checked out.

He just got his coat for 300$. He said it is pretty sweet and is made to use your body heat to keep you warm. Lets all pray it works because he is going to be pretty cold very soon!!

Letter from Steve........

It's been a pretty fantastic week!
     We carved pumpkins last week as missionaries during preperation day. Shockingly despite my incredible artistic ability I didn't win any of the prizes...
     We had our last District meeting of the transfer, which is pretty nuts! I can't believe how much faster this transfer has seemed to go than the last one! If this is a normal thing for how fast it keeps going and keeps getting faster that's pretty scary! This is the last week of the transfer so I guess next week we'll both know what's going to happen haha.
     We did have an absolute miracle this week where we by chance tracted into an older women named Nancy who has met with missionaries before a few months ago, but we dind't know that. She has been reading the Book of Mormon every night and said that she knows logically that the Book of Mormon is true, that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and that this is the restored church on the earth! She just wants to make sure she gets a sure answer form God. We met with her again and she set a date to be baptized on November 26th! It was my first time having someone accept a date to work towards EVER! So that was pretty heavenly. Also she came to church yesterday for the first time! Unfortunetly she was very embarassed because she has a very hard time walking and has had a stroke and whatnot, but everyone was very nice to her and hopefully she will come next week and keep working towards baptism!
     Sherry has backtracked a bit unfortunetly, but we're still very optimistic that she will eventually get baptized and be wonderful when she decides to commit!
     Tonight we don't get to really do anything after preperation day because they don't like us out on Halloween(that says something haha). So we will be weekly planning after dinner at Mary Fishers, basically no proselyting for an entire day... It will still be fun haha!
     I am convinced more and more of the truth of the message we share as missionaries! I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ did in actuality appear to Joseph Smith, Joseph Smith in actuality restored the same church to the earth that Jesus himself established. I have recieved a real witness that this is true. And just like Paul who saw an angel or Joseph seeing God the Father and Jesus Christ, it doesn't matter how much persecution or opinions there are on how I know or if I know, it will never change the fact that I have in reality recieved a witness from God that these things are true. I love Jesus Christ more than ever before! Have a great week!