Sunday, October 30, 2016

Birthday P-day ( He's 19)

Oct 24, 2016 (Steve's 19th Birthday!1)

This week I got to go on my first exchange to a differetn area. I went to London chinese with 2 chinese Elders, Elder Chu and Elder Mak. Elder Lee came to Tillsonburg with Elder Brand. It was super fun and we got to talk to a bunch of people! They don't have a car so we rode the bus everytwhere and bus contacting is now my new favorite thing in the world! People are totally trapped! and they know they are trapped! I got to have some legitamate religious discussions and share real testimony and experiences with people! It was soooo sweet! and there were a lot of people that were interested! I could see how it would be easy to get frustrated as a language missionary though, because everyone we found outside of 1 person we passed onto other missionaries who will teach them in English. Anyway, it was an absolute blast and I had such a good time! "wo ei jeshu jidu" means I love Jesus Christ and "ni how ma? wo han pang" means hi how are you, I am fat. Both crucial statements to know in mandrin.
     I did have one day I think on Saturday where I was feeling pretty down, and Elder Brand asked me if I was doing okay in companion study and I broke down and started crying and whatnot. Being a missionary is not easy! However, I have been comforted and brought incredible peace through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I know that I could be comforted no other way. I could simply not be a missionary on my own, I just couldn't. But with God I can do all things, I believe in miracles more than ever before.
     We are being led to those who are ready to accept Jesus Christ to any certain extent, adn they are being led to us. I have felt those on the other side of the veil nearer out here than ever before in my life. I know they are involved with this work, and the Holy Ghost is involved with every single aspect of this work.
     I've seen lives changed, I know the Gospel of Jesus Christ truly transforms. I know anyone who truly seeks will eventually be led to the Gospel and thereby the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Today I read in Jesus the Christ where it talks about the great apostacy and how honeslty clear it is that this church is Jesus's church restored to the earth. However, no logical or clear proof would or could ever be more powerful or influential than the truth I know by the power of the Holy Ghost. I love being a missionary!
     Thanks for all the birthday wishes! I wouldn't want to be anywhere else doing anything else on my birthday!

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