Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Toronto, May 8, 2017 Tripanionship

This week has been an incredible one! WE have seen many miracles and with a phone and now our correct number the work is progressing at an exponential rate!

     WE taught a Nigerian family last week and they are amazing and we will meet with them tonight! Can't wait to see miracles with them!
     Frank is doing amazing! Committed to being baptized and we are planning on setting a date this week!
     New investigator Alexis Harrison is super cool and wants to know how quickly she can become a member!

     Our unity amongst the tripanionship is only getting better and we see miracle after miracle after miracle!
    we had a conference for northeastern U.S. and eastern Canada yesterday which was incredible! Very inspired messages from Elder Gong of Seventy, Elder Perkins (I think) seventyBonnie H. Cordon primary presidency, and Elder Oaks 12. The spirit was very strong! and I got to see Elder Bakker, Ward, and many others at the meeting!
     WE had interviews with President this week as well which is always a wonderful experience!

     I am so grateful for all of you and your loving prayers on my behalf! I know that this work is real and am so grateful for my opportunity to be a part of it! Love and miss you!


Monday, May 1, 2017

April 24, 2017--Toronto-staying in a trianionship!

Another incredible week! We still don't have a phone which makes it 3 weeks, and the entirety of my time serving here without a phone, but President is on it! So hopefully we get it figured out very soon! Jimi, the investigator that came back from Turkey and was ready to be baptized barring his parents approval, now has his parents approval and is ready, and we are just helping with a few small Word of Wisdom items and then he will be ready!

     We have had other almost lessons and are trying pretty hard, certainly a phone will make it more of a reality of being able to meet with people! One media referral we did get in contact with and had a quick conversation with has recently had his brother pass away and wants to make his relationship with God a much higher priority which is very awesome!

    Transfers came, and were pretty interesting waiting for a call because we didn't have a phone... Anyway The Portuguese Elders just asked for us and turns out we are staying in our tripanionship here for another 6 weeks! That'll be awesome and we are all super excited!

   Love this work, and love you! Have a great week!